Warning Tape

Bridgelock can supply a wide range of Printed Warning Tapes for use with utulities. Should you need any further information or prices please do not hesitate to contact our sales office on the number below.



Barricade Tape

We can supply custom made barricade tapes to your specification. PLease contact our sales office with your enquries

Underground Warning

Every buried pipe or cable is a potential danger to unsuspecting contractors. Protect your valuble utility line and increase the safety of future excavation teams, by using a high strength, colour coded plastic underground warning tape from Bridgelock Eng & Mkt Ltd. When buried 300mm or so above the pipe or cable, these vivid, rot resistant tapes will give an immediate warning to anyone digging in the area.


Protection Tape

An excavation team hitting a buried cable or pipeline can have fatal consequences- at least it will have a costly one. Installing a high strength cable protection cover or TILETAPE 300mm or so above the utility line, will provide an excellent level of protection to help prevent third party damage. The small investment in these products now, can save more than just a fortune in the future.








Detection Tape

All buried plastic pipes and non-metallic cables need a detection tape or mesh installed over them to allow above ground location as well as preventing third party damage. Bridgelock Graphics Ltd have used experiance from some of the largest utility companies in the world to develop their range which considerably improves on existing products whilst still only costing pence per metre





For more information on the range of Graphic Solutions call

Bridgelock sales today

Telephone:  01753 549 373 

Fax: 01753 580269

or email sales@bridgelock.com